Waterjet cutting VS Laser cutting

May 13, 2022

Waterjet vs Laser: Let the Cutting Begin!

When it comes to manufacturing technology, two cutting methods that are making waves are waterjet cutting and laser cutting. Both offer unique advantages, but which one is right for you? Let's dive into the details and compare the pros and cons of each.

What is Waterjet Cutting?

Waterjet cutting is a process that uses a stream of high-pressure water mixed with an abrasive material to cut through materials. The water is pressurized up to 60,000 PSI and used to create a precise stream of water that cuts through materials like metal, glass, and stone. The addition of an abrasive material, such as garnet, adds extra cutting power and allows for faster cutting speeds.

Pros of Waterjet Cutting

  • Can cut through a wide variety of materials
  • High precision and accuracy
  • No heat-affected zone or distortion
  • Minimal material waste
  • No toxic fumes or dust

Cons of Waterjet Cutting

  • Slower cutting speed compared to laser cutting
  • Higher cost compared to laser cutting
  • Requires more maintenance and upkeep

What is Laser Cutting?

Laser cutting is a process that uses a laser beam to melt, burn, or vaporize materials to create a precise cut. The laser beam is directed onto the material, which is held in place by a clamp or fixture. The laser beam is so precise that it can cut through materials like metal, plastic, and wood with ease.

Pros of Laser Cutting

  • Faster cutting speed compared to waterjet cutting
  • High precision and accuracy
  • Can be more cost-effective for smaller projects
  • Minimal material waste

Cons of Laser Cutting

  • Limited to certain materials
  • Heat-affected zone can cause distortion
  • Toxic fumes and dust may be produced

Comparison of Waterjet vs Laser Cutting

Criteria Waterjet Cutting Laser Cutting
Cutting speed Slower Faster
Materials Wide variety Limited
Precision High High
Heat-affected zone None Present
Material waste Minimal Minimal
Maintenance More Less
Cost Higher Lower for smaller projects


In the battle of waterjet cutting vs laser cutting, there is no clear winner. Both cutting methods have their pros and cons and are suited for different types of projects. If you need to cut through a wide variety of materials and want high precision, waterjet cutting may be the right choice. If you're working on a smaller project and need fast cutting speeds, laser cutting may be the way to go.

With the facts laid out, it's up to you to decide which cutting method will work for your project.


Kodama, S. Chang, T., Noro, T. (2017). Comparative Study of Laser Cutting, Waterjet Cutting, and Abrasive Waterjet Cutting. Materials, 10(7), 830. doi:10.3390/ma10070830

Sinha, A., Mativenga, P. & Sheikh, M. (2014). Evaluation of debris profiles and kerf taper during abrasive waterjet cutting of titanium alloys. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73(1-4), 1-10. doi:10.1007/s00170-014-6277-z

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